Temporary Closure

Mattress Lot’s Retail Operation is Temporarily Closed

Due to Covid 19

We plan to reopen April 20th

To our customers, neighbors & friends:

For the health and safety of everyone, we have decided to close our in-person retail operations for several weeks. Please watch here and on our Facebook page for updates.

We will check voicemail and email routinely every day.

We will work through any customer exchanges or warranties after we re-open.

If you’re in urgent need of a mattress please call or email. We have many items in stock and we can safely put items into the back of your vehicle while keeping correct social distance. We can charge your card over the phone and schedule your pick up.

We are so grateful to everyone who has supported us over the past 10 years. Our employee team is amazing. They have all handled this terrible situation with grace and understanding. We have very intention to hire everyone back when we come through this. To our past customers: Thank you for the caring, concern and amazingly kind words you’ve shared with us.

We will be back as soon as possible.

Michael & Mary Ruth Hanna